Since I Was a Very Young Child

I’m sure there’s something chemical to it, but
I feel sort of alien sometimes. I’ve got a different brain.
I have been trained since I was a very young child.

When people say “So how are you?”
really they want you to say, “Oh I’m great.”
I’m sure there’s something chemical to it, but

when you say “Oh not so great”
people go “I didn’t want to hear that.”
I have been trained since I was a very young child.

Everything I say, every smile, every…
Am I laughing too loud? Am I talking too much?
I’m sure there’s something chemical to it, but

I am exhausted afterwards.
I wish people would just be honest.
I have been trained since I was a very young child.

On the outside we can all look peaceful –
it’s like there’s a switch.
I’m sure there’s something chemical to it, but
I have been trained since I was a very young child.







“Since I Was a Very Young Child” is a found poem on the theme of “Interest.” All of the text comes from the Depression Project transcripts.

Read more poems from “Oh Not So Great”: Poems from the Depression Project.